
21.12.17. Atelje89 – Alex Colard

Ateljé 89 – Various artists – Winter show – December 18 to January 16, 2022 – Regeringsgatan 89, 111 39 Stockholm, Sweden

Open Saturdays and Sundays, from 12.00 to 16.00 and by appointment / Anne 0768104775 – anne@gallerizoo.se

Atelje89, Winter show – Alex Colard – French New Yorker Artist Painter living in Stockholm (alexcolardart.com)

ABOUT the artists
Anne E Svensson
Born and raised in beautiful Blekinge, Ronneby where time was full of horses, animals and nature. Now I live in lovely Stockholm.
”I have always had brushes, paint in a corner and sporadically painted, but it was not until I came home after a long assignment abroad in 2009 when I decided to start painting in earnest. I joined the art association Artitud and my inspiration became immediate! Being able to participate, share and listen to others’ passionate joy of creating, immediately made me start painting again. I remember it exactly on the day… Now ten years later I am a partner in the gallery Ateljé 89 in Stockholm. An oasis where I can create and at the same time show my works.
I have had the great honor of showing my animals before at Liljevalchs. In 2013, my frog, snake and spider were adopted. The feeling of being chosen again is so wonderful and absolutely wonderful. With an application at the very last second, my kingfishers were quickly named King1, King2, King5 (“the incomplete”) and Kingfishtree.
The works about the kingfishers are part of my bird series “Birds at the Zoo”. I always have a dialogue with my animals to find the character. In my creation, I start by working out a background color with a palette knife, hands and sponge. At that stage, I usually do not know what the motive will be, quick sketches are thrown on the floor in the studio for inspiration. I paint directly and the more and thicker the color the better, the wonderful feeling of shaping, scratching is total and I disappear into a fairytale world.”

Jenny Schelin
Jenny Schelin is the primary school teacher from Kalmar who has drawn and painted all her life and continues to do so alongside her hectic everyday life, and whose art can be seen in galleries in both Kalmar and Stockholm.
Interview available here – https://www.kalmarposten.se/kalmar/jag-malade-pa-alla-tillgangliga-stunder-dag-kvall-och-natt-57aa1751/

Alex Colard
Alex Colard is the grandson of French sculptor Lucien Colard. Genetics gifted him with an appreciation and understanding of art while his grandfather taught him drawing techniques.
After formal art school in France, Alex moved to New York City in 2005 at age 20. There he continued to study art and architecture. He worked in New York for 11 years as an architectural designer and artist, created the art department at Goldsmith-mannequins, and exhibited and sold his work in the showroom, where prestigious clients like Macy’s, Bloomingdales, H&M and others came to shop.
In April 2017, Alex moved to Stockholm and created his practice, making and selling his art. Since then he has had 25 exhibitions in galleries, restaurants, hair salons, stores, and at events. He collaborated with Hewlett Packard in December 2018 to print on demand at the Lobby Store, he is very active on the art scene thanks to his Facebook group/plateform Art Exhibitions in Stockholm, and sells various types of artworks ranging from fine art giclée prints to canvases, and commissions.

ABOUT the exhibition
Various artworks.

ABOUT the gallery
Ateljé 89 is an oasis right in the heart of Stockholm City / Norrmalm. We are not a traditional gallery and our wish is that it should feel like “coming home” when you step over the threshold. In the studio, paintings in acrylic and oil are painted by Anne E Svensson @gallerizoo. Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming guest exhibitors. You are always welcome for a coffee!
Open Saturdays and Sundays, from 12.00 to 16.00

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