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21.09.03-Konst Akademien–Pontus Raud

Konst Akademien – Pontus Raud – Skisser från stranden / Sketches from the beach – August 28 to September 22, 2021 – Jakobsgatan 27C, 111 52 Stockholm

ABOUT the artist
Jag är intresserad av språket mellan figurativ målning och abstraktion, där innehåll förändras radikalt i form av positionering, olika grupperingar i komposition samt det spontana uttryck som uppstår i en snabb process kontra det långsamma i att bygga. Stranden är en remsa mellan två principer. De flesta närmar sig livet som en lek på stranden, i viss frihet och normupplösning, vi skönjer ett slut.
Pontus Raud

I am interested in the language between figurative painting and abstraction, where content changes radically in the form of positioning, different groupings in composition and the spontaneous expression that arises in a fast process versus the slow in building. The beach is a strip between two principles. Most approach life as a game on the beach, in some freedom and norm resolution, we see an end.
Pontus Raud

Raud finds inspiration in everyday life, in observations of everything from ongoing social debates and news reports to beach life and holidays. Unforeseen events and absurdities are often given special space, where seemingly small events can have a lot of room to gather in an associate story.

Pontus Raud, born in 1962 in Uppsala and active in Stockholm, received his Master’s degree from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Stockholm Academy of the Arts 1998 and has previously studied at St. Martin College of Fine Art in London 1997, Valand Art Academy in Gothenburg 1993 and at the Art School Idun Lovén 1991–93. He has participated in several exhibitions both in Sweden and internationally.
In Pontus Raud’s world of moments, absurd encounters often occur like a choreography with the unexpected and the abstract.

Pontus Raud is the initiator of the Supermarket Independent Art Fair and since 2006 has been the artistic director of the fair, which takes place annually in Stockholm.

ABOUT the exhibition
Sketches from the beach shows the results of a multi-year project of paintings in oil pastel on paper from a beach on the West Coast.

ABOUT the space
Kungl. The Academy of Fine Arts is the oldest of Sweden’s royal, national academies and was founded in 1735. In colloquial language, the academy has long been called the Academy of Fine Arts, which in the 2000s was incorporated into the logo.

The Academy of Fine Arts is a versatile independent institution with the task of working to ensure that art and architecture are given the weight and support needed to survive and enrich a vibrant society.
Key words are knowledge, independence and long-term perspective.

The Academy of Fine Arts manages donations of about half a billion kronor. With these funds, the academy supports research and development by annually awarding a large number of scholarships and prizes from the funds to young people, students and already established artists and architects.

The Academy of Fine Arts preserves and makes available its collections and archives with materials that illuminate art history, art and architectural education, architecture and the work of individual artists for almost 300 years.

Several research projects are conducted by the academy and funds are given to various publications in the field of art and architecture.

Through exhibitions, program activities and collaborative projects, the Academy of Fine Arts contributes to the development of knowledge and society.

The Academy of Fine Arts is its own legal entity, an independent place for meetings in art and architecture but also in the broader cultural fields.

The work within the Academy of Fine Arts is based on a long tradition since its formation in 1735. The royal academies were created to have an overall national responsibility within their respective special areas. The Academy of Fine Arts manages its cultural heritage, including the building at Fredsgatan 12, and works to ensure that art and architecture continue to enrich the individual and society.

The Academy of Fine Arts is a member of the National Association of Swedish Museums and ICOM and is represented on a number of committees and boards such as the Beauty Council, the Nordic Art Association, the Swedish Institute in Rome, the C.M. Lerici, Gerlesborgsskolan and the Swedish-Danish Cultural Foundation.

The Academy of Fine Arts is supported by the Swedish Arts Council

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